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Remembering Perumalda

August 7-11, 2021

Celebrating Perumalda

December 11, 2020

One of Aravind’s greatest contributions to the field of arts was its efforts to recognize the glory and name of A. Perumal, the artist who played a crucial role in the political and art scenario of the country during independence. On December 11, Aravind conducted a virtual event to remember the great artist and his contributions. Eminent personalities in the field of arts like Prof R.V. Raju, Indran Rajendran, Trotsky Marudhu, K.M. Natarajan, M.G. Raffic Ahamed, A. Muthukrishnan, M.Sulaiman and Ravi Palette shared their thoughts about the artist and deliberated on his art works. The event was facilitated by Prof. Prabahar Vedamanickam of the American College, Madurai. An exhibition of Perumalda’s art works was arranged at LAICO on the same day and was inaugurated by Dr. G. Natchiar.
Feedback for the programme
... The Programme was very nice. Well done. I love his pictures, although I am not an artist.
... Beautiful.
 ... Very nice talks.
 ... His simplicity has come out as beautiful amazing sketches of life.
 ... The programme was nice and website in his name is a very good initiative.
 ... It is really nice that Aravind is leading this and taking it forward. If not, many of us would not have known about him.
 ... Amazed at how a boy with very little education could go to Santhiniketan get trained in art, foreign languages, be an instructor and come back to a low key retired life at Madurai.
 ... Congratulations. Excellent work.

Art demonstration by Artist Trotsky Maruthu

Tribute to Perumalda on his birth centenary

November 27-29, 2015

Aravind Eye Hospital and Perumalda always enjoyed a unique bondage. When he passed away in 2004, unknown to Aravind, he bequeathed his entire art collection to Aravind Eye Hospital. Aravind took over this treasure, restored and widely displayed his art across Aravind facilities. 2015 turned out to be his centenary year and Aravind used the occasion to not only honour him, but also showcase his brilliance as an artist to the people of Madurai through a three-day exhibition of his art. Perumalda’s greatness was such that when the word of the celebration plans got around, well-known artists of Tamil Nadu were eager to be a part of it. Soon the centenary celebrations turned out to be an art extravaganza of lectures, practical workshops and display.
Press Release about Centenary Event

The Artist whom Madurai forgot

A people's painter

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2021 marked the 106th birth anniversary of Perumalda. An exhibition of his art works was arranged at LAICO during August 7-11. Mr. Thulasiraj Ravilla, Executive Director, LAICO inaugurated the exhibition. A workshop was also conducted where eminent artists like Ramanan and Ravi Palette as well as LAICO faculty – Mr. Syed Ali and Ms. Dhivya Ramasamy discussed Perumalda’s art works and explained the techniques used by him. Dr. D. Sathish, an alumnae of Aravind  handled a session on cartoon drawings. 33 participants took part in the workshop.  Drawing competition was organised for staff members from across the centres. Of the 130 entries received, the best three were selected as winners. Apart from this, the best drawing from each Aravind centre was also announced.

5 Years Ago .....

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